Pamela Christian

Software Developer


Hello and welcome! I’m glad you are here.

My name is Pamela. A Biomedical Engineer turned Software Developer.

I hail from a small town in north Louisiana: Ruston. Home of Louisiana Tech University where I received by BS in Biomedical Engineering many moons ago. I currently live in Waco, TX (by way of Tampa, Pittsburgh, Long Beach (CA) and a few other countries while on the World Race and at G42.)
In a nutshell, my life currently consists of consuming delicious coffee, a *healthy* addiction to CrossFit, and when I’m not working, getting lost in blackholes of coding. Now if only I could make a living traveling full time…..

I’m in the middle of a coding bootcamp for full-stack web development. So far in this coding journey, I tend to enjoy back-end development over front-end but developing knowledge and practice for both.
Software development always seemed like a very complex world that I thought I would enjoy but didn’t know how to get started. Now that I’ve dipped my toes in, I am starting to see all the many possibilities it has to offer. I love getting behind others dreams and contributing in any way that is helpful and meaningful. I especially like problem solving/critical thinking, challenging the status quo in an effort to only keep what is needed and necessary, and being a calming presence in the event of disarray.
With web development (and eventually full software development), I hope to be a part of a team and organization contributing significantly to the world around us.

Featured Projects

Responsive image
Bountiful Books: Project 1

Summary : An application to connect users with book recommendations based on interest with the ability to search specific titles, authors, and keywords. Users can also save interest preferences and Bookshelf items for future reference.

Technology Used : Firebase database and authentication, Javascript/jQuery, API/AJAX,JSON/XML

GitHub Pages
GitHub Repo

Responsive image
ANNI APP: Project 2

Summary : All-in-one application to help managers keep track of employee data for use in everyday tasks without the need to use limited-access systems such as Quickbooks

Technology Used :
Front-end (Tailwind CSS, jQuery & Alpine)
Back-end (Express, Express Session, Passport, Bcrypt, Sequelize, MySQL)
Testing (ESLint, Travis CI)

Heroku Live Demo
GitHub Repo

Responsive image
BBC News Scraper

Summary : Application to scrape and store and display top articles from BBC world news website and allow users to view and add comments to any saved articles.

Technology Used :
Front-End: basic Bootstrap for styling, jQuery for logic, Express Handlebars for rendering
Back-end: Nodejs/Express server + Axios node package
Plus (new to me): MongoDB/Mongoose package for database, Cheerio for manipulating scraped data

Heroku Live Demo
GitHub Repo

All Projects

word guess

Word Guess Game

GitHub Repo
word guess

Crystals Collector Game

GitHub Repo
word guess

Coffee Trivia Game

GitHub Repo
word guess

Giphy Viewer App

GitHub Repo
word guess

Train Scheduler

GitHub Repo
word guess

Bountiful Books:
Project 1

GitHub Repo


GitHub Repo

Constructor Word Game

GitHub Repo

Amazon Store

GitHub Repo
word guess

Friend Finder

Live Demo || GitHub Repo
word guess

Eat Da Burger

Live Demo || GitHub Repo
word guess

ANNI APP || Project 2

Live Demo || GitHub Repo

News Scraper

Live Demo || GitHub Repo

Google Books Search

Live on Heroku || GitHub Repo